According to Michael, March is about March Madness, NCAA basketball. According to the Irish, March is about St. Patrick's Day.
For me, March madness has been about the many things that have been keeping me busy this month. Such as:
- the Wednesday night (7:30pm) Bible Study based on Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan's book The Last Week. We've had 5 to 7 participants each week.
- serving communion to those people who can't get to church regularly on March 11 (talk to Keith if you either want to be served communion or if you want to help others experience this sacrament)
- hosting a Professional Development Day Faith Adventure at the church. We had 20 (!) children learning about Saint Patrick at the church while the teachers at Public Elementary schools in Saskatoon sharpened their teaching skills. I've been called crazy for leading this event--and I think I have to agree! Thanks to Joanne Kerslake, Jordyn Starks and Janna Carey for helping to offer leadership.
- organizing a children's Talent Show on March 14. We had nine children show off their talents: from dancing to gymnastics, skipping, playing the flute and piano, building Lego and making art. It was a fantastic afternoon!
A Lego St. Martin's |
- planning for Vacation Bible School this summer. Our theme this year is Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid! We will be holding our VBS from Monday, July 13 to Friday, July 17. Talk to me if you want a registration form.
Whew! It's been a busy month! I'm ready for a break before Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Maybe a Ham Supper will give me the energy for more! Mmmmm - ham!